Student Success Summit

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    Together We Can Do It!
    (Indiana University East, 2020-01-31) Writing Center, Indiana University East
    The IU East Campus Writing Center provides services on-campus and online. The poster reflects statistics, marketing materials, and staff images. The poster includes results of student feedback.
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    Poster for Office of Student Success
    (Indiana University East, 2020-01-31) Office of Student Success, Indiana University East
    Office of Student Success' Mission Statement: "The Office of Student Success is dedicated to the success of IU East undergraduate students. Through one-on-one success coaching, ongoing outreach, partnerships with other offices, and campus events, we help students navigate new challenges, develop educational and career goals, and remove or overcome any barriers to success on their path to degree completion. Our staff excels in helping students develop self-advocacy and decision making skills, and connecting students to campus, community and online resources in order to shape a positive college experience with IU East."
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    Seamless Student Service
    (Indiana University East, 2020-01-31) Online, Indiana University, East
    IU East Online provides online student support services. The statistics compare IU East with all IU Campuses.
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    Math & Science Resource Center Poster
    (Indiana University East, 2020-01-31) Math & Science Resource Center, Indiana University East
    The Math & Science Resource Center's Poster provides user comments, statistics, and service types. Through described service the center demonstrates support of student success.
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    Center for Service Learning
    (Indiana University East, 2020-01-31) Center for Service Learning, Indiana University East
    The Center for Service Learning at IU East offers a tutoring/mentoring program for k-12 in the IU East service area. The Center connects k-12 students who need support with IU East students who provide tutoring/mentoring.
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    Career Services Infographic
    (Indiana University East, 2020-01-31) Career Services, Indiana University East
    The Career Services Office helps students discover their next steps and provides programs & tools to plan, practice, and do. The office staff believes student success = a career. The infographic includes statistics, competencies, functions, and more.
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    Red Wolf Success
    (Indiana University East, 2020-01-31) Campus Life, Indiana University East
    The Campus Life Poster encourages students to become involved to help students discover & grow.
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    Student Success Summit Poster: SI, Jumpstart, Testing Center, Exam Jam
    (Indiana University East, 2020-01-31) Academic Support Programs, IU East
    The Office of Academic Support Programs provides services to students: supplemental instruction; Extreme Jumpstart; Testing; & Exam Jam. The poster provides details and statistics through 2019. This work is in support of student success.