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    Audiovisual Metadata Platform Pilot Development (AMPPD) Final Project Report
    (2021-12-10) Dunn, Jon W.; Feng, Ying; Hardesty, Juliet L.; Wheeler, Brian; Whitaker, Maria; Whittaker, Thomas; Averkamp, Shawn; Lyons, Bertram; Rudersdorf, Amy; Clement, Tanya; Fischer, Liz
    This report documents the experience and findings of the Audiovisual Metadata Platform Pilot Development (AMPPD) project, which has worked to enable more efficient generation of metadata to support discovery and use of digitized and born-digital audio and moving image collections. The AMPPD project was carried out by partners Indiana University Libraries, AVP, University of Texas at Austin, and New York Public Library between 2018-2021.
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    Accessibility Assessment of the Scholars’ Commons Department
    ([Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2021-05) Isbell, Mariah
    The report summarizes the research completed by the author on accessibility in libraries generally and more specifically how the services and webpage information posted by IU Libraries and IU Libraries Scholars’ Commons meets or exceeds recommendations set forth by the ADA. In addition, it details areas for improvement.
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    IU Libraries Course Material Services
    (2020-10-28) Vaughn, Matthew; Hare, Sarah
    This video describes the options and services that instructors have for selecting course materials. These include Open Educational Resources, fair use analysis, scanning of print materials, and finding/ acquiring library databases and eBooks.
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    Supporting Scholars in Literature and Culture at Indiana University Bloomington
    (2019-11) Minter, Catherine J.; González, Luis A.; Courtney, Angela
    Results of a 2018-19 study examining the research practices and needs of scholars pursuing research in literature and culture on the Bloomington campus. Part of a larger suite of studies by Ithaka S+R on the research support needs of faculty in various disciplines.
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    Assessment of Scholarly Needs for the Use of Digital Time-Based Media
    (2018-10-29) Schnaars, Matthew; Cameron, Jon; Cane, Deborah; Murugan, Meenasarani Linde
    One of the major motivations for the Avalon Media System project has been to support the needs of humanities researchers for access to and use of time-based media from library and archival collections. One specific goal of Avalon’s Mellon Foundation grant has been to assess scholarly needs through user research at using a multi-method approach, primarily ethnographic in character. The focus of this user research was to uncover issues users have trying to use streaming media within their research projects and to look at the technology they employ and how it helps and/or hinder their research processes, leading to recommendations for improvements to both Avalon and to the broader array of audiovisual access software aimed at researcher use. This report outlines the literature review, study methodology, results, recommendations, and conclusions from this assessment of scholarly needs.
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    IU Libraries Discovery Layer Advisory Group Progress Report
    (2018-06-25) Baich, Tina; Bennett, Terri; Cohen, Rachael; Kwong, Vincci; Lent, Randy; Greene McDonald, Courtney; McFadden, Sue; Moore, Kate; Peters, Chuck; Pusnik, Angie; Seykowski, Ed; Whittaker, Thomas; Dill, Emily; Skekloff, Sue
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    HydraDAM2: Extending Fedora 4 and Hydra for Media Preservation
    (2018-03-30) Dunn, Jon W.; Cariani, Karen; Cowan, Will; Hardesty, Juliet L.; Fraimow, Rebecca; Roosa, Sadie
    The overarching goal of the HydraDAM2 project, funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities Preservation and Access Research and Development program, was to extend the existing HydraDAM digital asset management system, developed with prior NEH support, to be able to serve as a digital preservation repository for time-based media collections implementable at a wide range of institutions using multiple digital storage strategies. The new open source digital preservation repository system developed as part of the project by partners Indiana University (IU) and WGBH, known as Phydo, is based on the Fedora 4.x digital repository system and Samvera (formerly Hydra) repository application development framework and is intended to support storage and long-term preservation management of audio and video files and their accompanying metadata. This white paper describes the work of the HydraDAM2 project to develop the Phydo system, along with future plans.
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    Audiovisual Metadata Platform (AMP) Planning Project: Progress Report and Next Steps
    (2018-03-28) Dunn, Jon W.; Hardesty, Juliet L.; Clement, Tanya; Lacinak, Chris; Rudersdorf, Amy
    This report documents the outcomes of a workshop funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and hosted by Indiana University as part of a planning project for design and development of an audiovisual metadata platform (AMP). The platform will perform mass description of audiovisual content utilizing automated mechanisms linked together with human labor in a recursive and reflexive workflow to generate and manage metadata at scale for libraries and archives. The partners leading this planning project were the Indiana University (IU) Libraries, University of Texas at Austin (UT) School of Information, and AVP.
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    HathiTrust Research Center User Requirements Study White Paper
    (IDEALS @ Illinois, 2018-03-09) Dickson, Eleanor; Green, Harriett; Nay, Leanne; Courtney, Angela; McDonald, Robert
    This paper presents findings from an investigation into trends and practices in humanities and social sciences research that incorporates text data mining. As affiliates of the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC), the purpose of our study was to illuminate researcher needs and expectations for text data, tools, and training for text mining in order to better understand our current and potential user community. Results of our study have and will continue to inform development of HTRC tools and services for computational text analysis.
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    Digital Project Planning & Data Curation: IU Bloomington Libraries' Scholars' Commons
    (2015-07-15) Beck Sayre, Meridith; Dalmau, Michelle
    This report provides an overview of digital project planning and data curation needs demonstrated by Indiana University Bloomington faculty, students and staff as well as preliminary recommendations for ongoing successful support of activities in digital project planning and data curation. Based on the analysis of consultation log data and notes captured during the Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 semesters, we have developed a better understanding of digital scholarship requirements, including discipline-­‐specific needs and stages of project development. Of the 45 total consultations focusing on digital project planning, 40 were unique individuals concerned with 35 discrete projects. We have identified three project stages: 1) conceptual, 2) beginning (early design and planning), and 3) advanced (some level of implementation has been achieved). Of the 35 discrete projects assessed, 54% of these are in the conceptual stage; 31% in the beginning stage and 14% are in the advanced stage. Further analysis revealed a set of recurring questions and needs per project stage as explained in the “Analysis of Common Questions and Needs” section of this report (p. 6). Although the data set for this analysis is relatively small and impacted by external factors associated with the opening of a new space and the re-­grouping and re-presentation of existing services in support of scholarship, three primary recommendations emerged: 1) expand digital project planning documentation for scholars including templates for project charter and data management and partnership agreements, 2) adopt a suite of commonly requested tools and technologies, including more dedicated technical support and development for these tools and technologies, and 3) ramp up data curation awareness as part of the Scholars’ Commons programming.
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    A Study of Direct Author Subvention for Publishing Humanities Books at Two Universities: A Report to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation by Indiana University and University of Michigan
    (2015-10-06) Walters, Carolyn; Hilton, James; Jackson, Jason; Smart, Scott; Dunham, Gary; Pekala, Shayna; Fitzgerald, Nicholas; Courant, Paul; Smith, Sidonie; Kahn, Meredith; Watkinson, Charles
    This white paper presents recommendations about how a system of monographic publication fully funded by subventions from authors’ parent institutions might function, based on research activities supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation at Indiana University and the University of Michigan. While the contributors present a strong argument for implementing such an “author subvention” system, they describe a number of challenges and potential unintended consequences. Particular issues discussed include how to determine which publishers would be eligible for support, how best to support untenured faculty, and how to avoid disenfranchising scholars at less well-funded institutions.
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    IU Libraries Discovery Layer Implementation Task Force Progress Report and Notes & Recommendations for Future
    (2014-06-01) McDonald, Courtney Greene; Baich, Tina; Charbonneau, Gary; Cohen, Rachael; Lent, Randy; Long, Chris Evin; McFadden, Sue; Skekloff, Susan
    In May 2013, the primary public interface for IUCAT transitioned to a new discovery layer interface, powered by the open source web application Blacklight. This document reports on progress and makes recommendations for enabling ongoing system-wide input into the development of the catalog discovery interface through the completion of the upcoming OLE migration project. Appendices include groups’ charges & memberships, and an annotated version of the original selection rubric notating status of product features.This report was prepared for the IU Council of Head Librarians.
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    IU Libraries Discovery Layer Task Force Summary Report and Recommendation
    (2011-06-01) Skekloff, Susan; Popp, Mary Pagliero; Pershing, Gwendolyn; Gushrowski, Barbara; Moore, Kate Banet; Minick, Mary Beth; Long, Chris Evin; Lent, Randall L; McDonald, Courtney Greene
    The IU Libraries OLE Discovery Layer Task Force reviewed the candidate applications (Blacklight and VuFind) for a new public interface for IUCAT, in terms of how each best supports discovery for the IU Libraries. The Task Force created a rubric of core functionality required by all campuses in a catalog user interface, organized into several broad areas. Criteria have been designated as required, highly desirable, or desirable, and each product has been reviewed and rated according to the rubric (attached as an appendix). This report was prepared for the IU Council of Head Librarians.