1987-1988 Annual Scientific and Technical Report - IU Cyclotron
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IU Cyclotron Facility Annual Reports contain articles about work in progress. They describe preliminary results from scientific experiments and summaries of developments for the improvement of laboratory-wide infrastructure and facilities. Paper copies are available from IUCF.
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Item Germaniun Detector Development(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Friesel, D.L.; Komisarcik, K.; Pehl, R.H.; Jingxu XingItem The K600 Focal Plane Polarimeter(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Cox, B.M.; DuPlantis, D.; Eads, A.; Opper, A.K.; Sawafta, R.; Schwandt, P.; Solberg, K.A.; Stephenson, E.J.; Wissink, S.W.Item Cooler Experiment Preparation(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Meyer, H.O.; Pancella, P.; Pollock, R.E.; Schwandt, P.; Sperisen, F.; Komisarcik, K.; Vanderwerp, J.; Solberg, K.; Eads, A.; Goodwin, J.; Rinckel, T.; Ross, A.; Minty, M.; Berdoz, A.; Doskow, J.; Li, P.; Lowzowski, W.; Barbieri, R.; Bonham, R.A.; Marvin, T.; Nann, H.; Petasis, D.; Swamy, S.Item The IUCF Cooler Project(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1986) Pollock, R.; Ellison, T.; Friesel, D.; Schwandt, P.; Jones, W.; Brown, B.; Dermois, O.; Self, J.; Starks, B.; Ball, M.; Deckard, P.; Fox, M.; Jenner, D.; Manwaring, B.; Collins, J.C.; Graham, J.R.; Bertuccio, T.Item Resolution Tests of CsI(Tl) Scintillators Read Out by Pin Diodes(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Gong, W.G.; Kim, Y.D.; Poggi, G.; Chen, Z.; Gelbke, C.K.; Lynch, W.G.; Maier, M.R.; Murakami, T.; Tsang, M.B.; Xu, H.M.; Kwiatkowski, K.Item Test of Antiproton Apparatus(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Lowder, D.; Salamon, M.; Ahlen, S.; Beatty, J.; Tomasch, A.; Zhou, B.K.; Bower, C.; Gebhard, M.; Heinz, R.; Mufson, S.; McGee, S.; Musser, J.Item Experimental Test of the Siberian Snake Concept(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Krisch, A.D.; Raymond, R.S.; Roser, T.; Terwilliger, K.M.; Stewart, J.A.; Mane, S.R.; Meyer, H.O.; Pollock, R.E.; Sperisen, F.; Stephenson, E.J.; Courant, E.D.; Lee, S.Y.; Ratner, L.G.Item Pre-Equilibrium Calculations of Backward-Angle Proton Spectra(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Kwiatkowski, K.; Viola, V.E.Item Relative Strengths of Equilibrated and Non-Equilibrated Sources of IMFs in E/A = 20-50 MeV 14-N-Induced Reactions(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Kwiatkowski, K.; Fields, D.E.; Bonser, D.; Viola, R.W.; Viola, V.E.; Gelbke, C.K.; Fields, D.J.; Lynch, W.G.; Pochodzalla, J.; Tsang, M.B.Item Studies of Complex Fragment Emission in Reactions of E/A = 50 MeV 4-He Ions with nat-Ag and 197-Au(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Zhang, J.; Rose, S.; Kwiatkowski, K.; Bonser, D.; Woo, L.W.; Yennello, S.J.; Viola, V.E.Item Global Properties of the 4-He + 28-Si Reaction at 117.4 and 198.5 MeV(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Woo, L.W.; Kwiatkowski, K.; Wilson, W.; Viola, V.E.; Breuer, H.; Mathews, G.J.Item Complex Fragment Emission in the p + Ag Reaction at 160 MeV(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Yennello, S.J.; Kwiatkowski, K.; Planeta, R.; Rose, S.; Woo, L.W.; Viola, V.E.Item The (α,p) Reaction on 12-C, 13-C, and 14-N(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Aziz, S.M.; Brown, J.D.; Herold, L.K.; Luther, K.E.; Middleton, A.; Pitt, M.L.; Barker, D.; Camarda, H.S.Item Nature of the Missing Near-side Amplitude in Calculations of Intermediate Energy (d,p) and (p,d) Reactions(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Stephenson, E.J.; Johnson, R.C.; Tostevin, J.A.Item A Test of Coplanarity and Far-Side Dominance in Intermediate Energy (d,p) and (p,d) Reactions(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Stephenson, E.J.; Bacher, A.D.; Berg, G.P.A.; Cupps, V.R.; Low, D.A.; Miller, D.W.; Olmer, C.; Opper, A.K.; Park, B.K.; Sawafta, R.; Wissink, S.W.Item Neutron Pickup Strength in 87-Sr from 87-Sr(pol.p,d) at 94.2 MeV(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Radhakrishna, M.C.; Puttaswamy, N.G.; Nann, H.; Miller, D.W.; Singh, P.P.; Jacobs, W.W.; Jones, W.P.; Stephenson, E.J.Item An Attempt to Study T=2 States in 16-N(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Ajzenberg-Selove, F.; Liu, G.B.; Berg, G.P.A.; Bland, L.C.; Miller, D.W.; Nann, H.; Sawafta, R.; Stephenson, E.J.Item New Effects in (3-He)-Capture Reactions at IUCF Energies(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Marchlenski, D.G.; Hausman, H.J.; Kalen, J.; Kim, W.; Rackers, T.W.; Wijekumar, V.; Blatt, S.L.; Bacher, A.D.; de Voigt, M.J.A.Item Quadrupole and Octupole Radiation from 16-O Near 39 MeV Excitation(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Kovash, M.A.; Anderson-Pugh, B.; McEllistrem, M.T.; Ternes, J.K.; Trice, J.H.; Blatt, S.L.; Hausman, H.J.; Marchlenski, D.; Bacher, A.D.Item Proton Radiative Capture at E_p = 150 MeV(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1988) Blatt, S.L.; Hausman, H.J.; Abduljalil, A.; Kalen, J.; Kim, W.; Marchlenski, D.G.; Kovash, M.A.; Adams, G.S.; Bacher, A.D.