1989 Annual Scientific and Technical Report - IU Cyclotron
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IU Cyclotron Facility Annual Reports contain articles about work in progress. They describe preliminary results from scientific experiments and summaries of developments for the improvement of laboratory-wide infrastructure and facilities. Paper copies are available from IUCF.
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Item New Nodestructive Beam Diagnostics for the IUCF Cyclotron(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Ball, M.; Ellison, T.J.P.; Fox, C.M.Item The K600 Focal Plane Polarimeter(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Wissink, S.W.; Eads, A.; Opper, A.K.; Rinckel, T.; Sawafta, R.; Schwandt, P.; Solberg, K.A.; Stephenson, E.J.Item The High Resolution K600 Spectrometer(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Berg, G.P.A.; Bland, L.; Foster, C.C.; Lisantti, J.; Rinckel, T.; Sawafta, R.; Schwandt, P.; Solberg, K.A.; Stephenson, E.J.Item Installation and Testing of Superconducting Solenoids for the IUCF Spin Precession System(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Stephenson, E.J.; Berg, G.P.A.; Catanese, M.; Jones, W.P.; Komisarcik, K.; Neyman, C.; Rinckel, T.; van der Werp, J.Item Cooler Experiment Preparation(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Meyer, H.O.; Berdoz, A.; Doskow, J.; Lozowski, W.; Pancella, P.; Rinckel, T.; Rohdjess, H.; Ross, M.A.; Sperisen, F.; Eads, A.; Goodwin, J.E.; Minty, M.; Schwandt, P.; Solberg, K.; Daehnick, W.W.; Dytman, S.A.; Li, P.C.; Saha, S.; Hardie, J.G.; Yamazaki, M.; Bland, L.; Jacobs, W.W.; Oram, R.; Pollock, R.E.Item New Nondestructive Beam Diagnostics for the IUCF Cyclotron(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Ball, M.; Ellison, T.; Fox, C.M.Item Electron Cooling System Development(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Ellison, T.; Brown, R.; Friesel, D.Item Measurement and Optimization of Cooler Ring Parameters(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Collins, J.; DuPlantis, D.; Ellison, T.; Friesel, D.L.; Jones, W.P.; Pei, A.; Pollock, R.E.; Rinckel, T.; Schwandt, P.; Sloan, T.S.Item Cooler Ring Status(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Pollock, R.E.Item Calibration of the Large Solid Angle Detector(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Debevec, P.T.; Harty, P.D.; Jones, R.T.; Simon, D.A.; Fox, B.D.; Jenkins, D.A.Item Dectector Upgrade for (p,n) Polarimetry(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Huang, W.; Goodman, C.; Taddeucci, T.N.; Byrd, R.C.; Carey, T.A.; Rapaport, J.; Sugarbaker, E.R.Item Calibration of the K600 Focal Plane Polarimeter(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Stephenson, E.J.; Opper, A.K.; Wissink, S.W.; Bacher, A.D.; Olmer, C.; Sawafta, R.Item Development of an In-Beam Polarimeter for Intermediate Energy Protons Using p+d Elastic Scattering(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Opper, A.K.; Rinckel, T.; Stephenson, E.J.; Wells, S.P.; Wissink, S.W.Item Study of a Depolarizing Resonance at the IUCF Cooler Ring(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Krisch, A.D.; Mane, S.R.; Raymond, R.S.; Roser, T.; Stewart, J.A.; Terwilliger, K.M.; Vuaridel, B.; Goodwin, J.E.; Meyer, H.O.; Minty, M.; Pancella, P.V.; Pollock, R.E.; Courant, E.D.; Lee, S.Y.; Ratner, L.G.Item Isotopic Yield Signatures of Complex Fragment Emission Mechanisms(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Kwiatkowski, K.; Fields, D.E.; Zhang, J.; Woo, L.W.; Viola, V.E.Item Continuum Spectra of H and He Ions in the 156 MeV p+27-Al Reaction(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Woo, L.W.; Ash, S.; Kwiatkowski, K.; Yennello, S.J.; Planeta, R.; Viola, V.E.Item A Study of the Reaction Mechanism for the j= l - 1/2 Transition in 66-Zn(d,p)67-Zn(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Stephenson, E.J.; Bacher, A.D.; Berg, G.P.A.; Foster, C.C.; Hodiwalla, N.; Li, P.C.; Lisantti, J.; Park, B.K.; Olmer, C.; Sawafta, R.; Wissink, S.W.Item Multipole Strength Distributions in 16-O Above the Dipole Resonance Region(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Kovash, M.A.; Liu, K.; McEllistrem, M.T.; Pickar, M.A.; Trice, J.H.; Wang, M.; Weil, J.L.; Marchlenski, D.G.; Blatt, S.L.; Bacher, A.D.Item 12-C(p,pi+)13-C and 12-C(p,pi0)13-N(g.s.) Reaction Cross Sections Measured by Recoil Detection(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Homolka, J.; Schott, W.; Wagner, W.; Wilhelm, W.; Kienle, P.; Bent, R.D.; Pollock, R.E.; Fatyga, M.; Segel, R.E.; Yu, Z.; Rehm, K.E.Item Coulomb Effects in the 3-He(p,pi+)4-He and 3-He(p,pi-)4-He Reactions(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1989) Bent, R.D.; Alons, P.W.F.; Dilig, M.