Series of Workshops in Statistical Software (SWiSS)

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    Introduction to R and R Studio
    (2019-10-24) Golzarri-Arroyo, Lilian
    Introduction to R and R Studio with Lilian Golzarri Arroyo of the Biostatistics Consulting Center.
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    Introduction to SAS
    (2019-10-17) Henschel, Beate
    This is an introductory hands-on workshop on the SAS statistical software. First, we will introduce the SAS environment. Then we will explore practice data together and learn different data recoding techniques. Lastly, we will create descriptive statistics and carry out basic statistical analyses (such as correlation, T-test, ANOVA, linear regression, etc). This workshop is geared towards students or faculty who have taken some graduate level statistics courses and are now in the midst of applying quantitative analysis to their own research project.
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    Introduction to SPSS
    (2019-10-10) Dickinson, Stephanie
    This is an introductory hands-on workshop of SPSS statistical software. We will work through SPSS together exploring data and performing all the standard analysis methods (Correlation, T-test, ANOVA, Cross-tabs, etc), and discuss how these methods should be selected based on the type of data and the type of research question you have. This is geared towards students or faculty who have taken some graduate level statistics courses and are now in the midst of applying quantitative analysis to their own research project.