Subject Capstone Papers

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A collection of papers from BA/BS degree capstone courses


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    The Silencing of Eve
    (2013-05) Finley, Patricia
    Eve’s journey from the Qur’an to modern day Islam has been a tumultuous one. Through this sometimes violent journey we find Eve avowed to have been recognized as parallel in her creation to man but now resides in an altered state of silence. Words defining who she is or who she may become were all created and understood yet devoid of her input. It is up to the world and Muslim women to understand where this silencing came from and its attendant affect on women within the Islamic community; thus allowing Eve an equal voice.
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    The Growth of a Young Adult Reader
    (2013-05-13) Faucett, Elizabeth
    This paper explores the developing young adult using psychology and the Harry Potter series. Bibliotherapy, escapism, and a variety of psychological theories of human development are discussed in this paper.