Center for the Study of Global Change
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Item Australia: A Topical Resource Guide(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2007) Goehlert, Robert; Courtney, AngelaItem A Century of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates 1901-2005: From Peace Movement to United Nations(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2006) Childress, Dawn; Goehlert, RobertItem Countries of Southeast Asia and Australasia: A Bibliographic Guide(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2000) Bell, Kris; Olson, Rebecca; Goehlert, RobertThe objective of Countries of Southeast Asia and Australasia: A Bibliographic Guide is to identify basic resources that will best serve the needs of students and faculty involved in projects and research associated with one of the most dynamic regions of the world. This guide is not intended to be comprehensive; instead it is designed to highlight the most useful resources currently available in print and on the World Wide Web.Item Europaische Union: eine Bibliographie deutscher Titel(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2008) Dostal, GrahamThe following bibliography lists German language titles published about the European Union within the last five years. Every last title that falls under the "European Union" subject headings isn’t listed, but it should be a complete enough list to cover the breadth of the humanities. The main theme of the bibliography is politics, any law, business or medicine titles are included only if they relate to politics. Book titles that cover the social questions raised about the EU is the other theme of this bibliography. Folgendes ist eine Bibliographie deutschsprachiger Titel, die das Thema der Europäischen Union innerhalb der letzten fünf Jahren behandeln. Sie ist zwar nicht die vollständige Liste von Bücher, die man beim Library of Congress subject heading "European Union" findet, aber sie sollte nichtsdestotrotz für Sozialwissenschaftler komplett sein. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Bibliographie ist natürlich das Politische und das, was für Jura, die Wirtschaft und die Medizin relavant ist. Der andere Schwerpunkt ist Bücher, die sich mit sozialen Fragen der Europäische Union befassen.Item European Minority Languages and Ideologies of the Nation State: Selected Sources with Annotations(2022-12-16) Cox, JenniferThis bibliography is a collection of texts pertaining to minoritized language communities in Europe and the tools that they use to revitalize their respective languages. Specifically, it highlights the use of the “one nation, one language” ideology associated with the modern nation state to promote minority languages. Strategies inspired by this ideology include the promotion of nationalism (an ideology prioritizing one’s own cultural, historical, linguistic, ethnic, and/or other group, aka “nation”), territoriality (the association of a nation, language, or other entity with a specific geographical area), and legibility (the standardization or homogenization of an object or process to make it easier to manipulate and control). This bibliography seeks to unite texts from linguistics, political science, area studies, geography, and other fields that give insight into the rise of the nation state, a global phenomenon, and its impact on the approaches used in language revitalization movements on a local scale.Item The European Union: Basic Resources(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2005) Goehlert, Robert; Shaaban, MarianBecause of the extensive attention the European Union has received in the U.S. and abroad, there is quite a body of literature, both descriptive and analytical, on its institutions and operations. This guide is by no means comprehensive, but the authors have tried to identify some major sources of information and those reference works which can be used to find additional information.Item European Union: Bibliography for English Titles Focusing on Italy and the European Union(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2010) Sender, Jessica; Goehlert, RobertThe following bibliography lists English titles about the European Union and Italy, and their relationship with each other. The bibliography focuses on politics, social influences, and Italy’s involvement in the European Union. Conference publications, law, and business are also subjects that are listed, particularly if they discuss the interaction between Italy and the European Union while focusing on these topics. Other topics include gender, medicine, and urban development. La bibliografia di seguito sono elencati i titoli in inglese sull'Unione europea e l'Italia, e il loro rapporto con l'altro. La bibliografia è incentrato sulla politica, le influenze sociali, l'Italia e la partecipazione in seno all'Unione europea. Conferenza di pubblicazioni, la legge, e le imprese sono anche soggetti che sono elencati, in particolare se si discute l'interazione tra l'Italia e l'Unione europea, pur concentrandosi su questi temi. Altri temi trattati sono di genere, la medicina e dello sviluppo urbano.Item Feminist and Gender Studies in Global Perspective: A Bibliography(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2010) Shubowitz, Devorah; Goehlert, RobertThis bibliography is comprised of books, including, monographs, collections, and anthologies, as well as a small selection of Master's theses and Ph.D. dissertations.Item Global Financial Crisis: A Bibliography(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2009) Reyes, Jose J.; Goehlert, RobertThis bibliography includes English language books, Ph.D. dissertations, and working papers that were published between 1994 and 2009. The term “global financial crisis” is applied in a very broad context focusing on the factors that caused financial turmoil in several countries and its impact.Item Global Human Trafficking: A Bibliography (2000 - 2010)(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2012) Korytova-Magstadt, Stepanka; Yang, Chung-Lin; Siering, Carmen D.While sex trafficking has received wide coverage in the media, global human trafficking includes other profitable elements, including the moving and sale of children, women, and men, usually for the purpose of labor exploitation, but also for the sale of body parts—topics that should also receive scholarly and public attention. In addition, there are a host of closely related issues, such as the impact of human trafficking on global health; laws and policies of prevention; and the protection and integration of survivors into society. This bibliography includes research monographs, articles in scholarly journals, a few articles in newspapers and magazines, governmental and international documents, as well selected novels. The inclusion of novels is based on the belief that belle lettres well illustrate the subject matter as they are not entirely separate from the “real world.”Item Global Odyssey: A Bibliography of Travel Literature Before 1940(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2006) Van Vuuren, Melissa S.; Courtney, AngelaThis bibliography comprises travel literature written in the English language prior to 1940 by travelers and explorers who were venturing outside their countries of residence. For the purposes of this bibliography, travel literature is defined as the narrative accounts written about an individual’s or group’s encounter with another place. Due to the variety and amount of works that could potentially be considered travel literature, the compilers For of this bibliography decided to exclude several sub-genres, including travel guides, emigration advice, promotional material sponsored by cities, railroad schedules, and guides for ship pilots.Item Global Odyssey: A Bibliography of Travel Literature, 1940 to the Present(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2006) Childress, DawnThe bibliography encompasses travel literature produced from the 1940’s through 2005, covering destinations around the globe.Item Globalisierung: eine ausgewählte Bibliographie auf Deutsch(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2006) Childress, DawnThis bibliography is a collection of German-language books relating to the study of globalization within a wide array of disciplines and geographic areas. While this is not a comprehensive list of titles, it is comprehensive in its coverage of subjects. The themes covered in these books encompass the political, economic, cultural, and individual spheres where globalization has become an important factor, both between and within societies. The parameters set for the bibliography include books published between 1995 and 2005, with general coverage of a subject or a geographic region as it relates to globalization. Most of the selection for the bibliography was done using bibliographic record description and title/content analysis. There were a number of online catalogues used in the searching, with Die Deutsche Bibliothek, the Karlsruhe Virtueller Katalog, and WorldCat contributing the largest number of titles. Diese Bibliographie stellt eine Sammlung deutschsprachiger Bücher dar, die sich auf das Forschungsgebiet der Globalisierung innerhalb einer breiten Reihe von Disziplinen und geographischen Bereichen beziehen. Sie ist zwar keine vollständige Liste von Titlen, allerdings ist sie vollständig in Bezug auf die betroffenen Sachgebiete. Die Themen, die in diesen Büchern diskutiert werden, umfassen die politischen, ökonomischen, kulturellen und individuellen Spären, wo Globalisierung eine wichtige Rolle speilt. Die Parameter, nach denen die Bibliographie zusammengestellt wurde, schließen Bücher ein, die zwischen 1995 und 2005 veröffentlich wurden und sich generell auf einen Sachbereich oder eine geographische Region beziehen, insofern dies in Bezug zur Globalisierung steht. Der größte Anteil der Auswahl besteht aus Titeln, die durch bibliographische Dateibeschreibung und Title/Inhaltsanalyse gefunden wurden. Beim Suchen wurden viele Online-Kataloge benutzt, von welchen Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Der Karlsruhe Virtuelle Katalog und WorldCat die Mehrzahl der aufgefürten Titel geliefert haben.Item Globalización/ mundialización: una bibliografía seleccionada de fuentes en español(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2005) Homo, Kira B.; González, Luis A.; Goehlert, RobertThis bibliography is made up exclusively of books originally published in Spanish as well as titles that have been translated to Spanish. Selection was done using the bibliographic record description. Any title that had globalization in the bibliographical description has been included in the bibliography. We have compiled both theoretical works and monographs that deal with specific case studies. This bibliography is not intended as a comprehensive listing of Spanish-language sources on the subject of globalization. There may well be important works that we have missed. Esta bibliografía se compone exclusivamente de libros publicados originalmente en español así como de títulos que han sido traducidos a esa lengua. La ficha bibliográfica de los textos seleccionados indica expresamente su pertinencia con el asunto de la globalización y esto sirvió como el criterio principal para seleccionar las obras. Se reúnen tanto trabajos teóricos como estudios monográficos sobre casos particulares. No se pretende que esta bibliografía provea una lista exhaustiva de las fuentes disponibles en español sobre el tema de la globalización. Es posible que falten títulos importantes.Item Globalization: A Guide to Selected Resources(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2003) Alering, Alisa; Almand, Nancy; Homo, Kira; Jones, ChristinaItem A Guide to Conducting international Conference Simulations(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2000) Steuer, Kenneth A.Item International Studies Resources: A Selected Guide(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2002) Furno, Christine; Geis, Sarah; Olson, Rebecca; Goehlert, Virginia; Goehlert, RobertThe aim of this selected guide is to identify basic resources that will best serve the needs of students and faculty involved in area studies programs and international studies at Indiana University. The guide is meant to be representative of the most useful sources currently available in print and on the World Wide Web. This Guide is not intended as a comprehensive, all inclusive listing of resources in the field of international and area studies and there may well be more important guides or Web sites that have been missed.Item International Studies Resources: A Selected Guide(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 1999) Geis, Sarah; Olson, Rebecca; Goehlert, Robert; Goehlert, VirginiaThe aim of this selected guide is to identify basic resources that will best serve the needs of students and faculty involved in area studies programs and international studies at Indiana University. The guide is meant to be representative of the most useful sources currently available in print and on the World Wide Web and is not intended as a comprehensive, all inclusive listing of resources in the field of international and area studies; there may well be more important guides or Web sites that have been missed.Item The Iraq War: The First Five Years in Publications(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2009) Gardinier, LisaThis bibliography is intended both, for print resources, as a record of what is available from the first five years of the Iraq War and, for electronic resources, as a starting point toward more documents.Item Islam in heutigen Europa: eine Bibliographie(Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change, 2008) Childress, Dawn; Hardenburg, WendyDiese Bibliographie stellt eine Sammlung akademischer and populärer Werke dar, die sich auf den Islam im heutigen Europa beziehen. Sie ist zwar keine vollständige Liste von Titeln, behandelt sie ein breites Spektrum an Perspektiven und Disziplinen, mit Themen wie Integration, interreligiöse Beziehungen, Bildung, Politik und Volkswirtschaft. Les titres inclus dans cette bibliographie représentent des œuvres en français et en allemand—universitaires aussi bien que populaires—qui traitent d’Islam en Europe contemporaine. Bien que la liste ne vise pas à être complète, nous avons tenté de couvrir une grande variété de perspectives et de disciplines, y compris des questions d’intégration, de pluralisme religieux, et d’éducation, et des inquiétudes politiques et économiques aussi.
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